Crisis Communications

A crisis can strike any organization at any time, threatening its most valuable assets: reputation, brand equity, stakeholder confidence and market share.

Whether preparing for unpredictable crises such as a security breach, system failure or natural disaster; or managing complex situations such as poor financial performance, social or corporate responsibility or high-profile litigation, rapid-response Crisis Communications can save a company.


Understanding the challenges and nuances of each organization, JMRConnect’s thoughtful preparation enables clients to anticipate communications needs and react quickly with intelligent, media-savvy responses. By using a multi-channel approach to integrate social media platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn with traditional tactics and concise messaging, JMRConnect helps clients develop strategies to manage real-time communications that shape influence and perception. Our proactive approach provides the “around-the-clock” support our clients need to mitigate risk.

JMRConnect Programs include:

  • Vulnerabilities Assessment
  • Procedural Guidelines
  • Crisis Simulations
  • Litigation Support
  • Issue Advertising
  • Stakeholder Outreach