Advocate Engagement: Activate Brand Ambassadors With JMRConnect – the APP

JMRConnect helps organizations recruit, engage, leverage, and monetize Twitter, Linked-in, YouTube, and Facebook followers, quantify their results, as well as maximize the value of branded multimedia content.

This breakthrough tool combines omni-channel social media engagement with content marketing to activate audiences. Our customizable platform can be branded to your company, combined with an element of gamification that rewards brand advocates for spreading your message.

One-Click Activism.

Companies today struggle to maximize the value of branded content across channels, but JMRConnect makes it easy to mobilize social communities to share your message. By providing a platform to recruit followers and recommend content that they can push out to their social networks with a single click, JMRConnect helps companies engage and empower brand advocates across Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube. Within seconds – literally – your “followers” can recruit their colleagues to join your program by sharing your content or by explicitly inviting them using their own personal recruiting link — through a single click.

Justify Your Investment in Social Media.

Built-in tools for tracking and quantifying results help measure social activity directly against bottom-line business objectives. We make it simple and rewarding for brand advocates to share content, which helps build brand loyalty, drive website traffic, ignite lead generation, enhance business development and ultimately amplify your message.

  • Customized campaigns; gamification to incentivize users.
  • Digital content enables direct engagement with people who influence your success.
  • Monetize Lead Generation & New Business Development
  • Increase Website Traffic, SEO & Impact with Branded Multimedia Content

Activate Followers to Become Loyal Brand Advocates…and Watch Your Content Go Viral.

People are more likely to take action when a recommendation comes from a trusted source. With JMRConnect, you can share content with your friends and followers, who then disseminate your key messages over their social networks easily, with just one click. Because posts shared through JMRConnect appear as first-person recommendations, not as advertisements or promoted content, the platform helps brands build credibility and expand reach.

Influencer Communications

Use JMRConnect to Empower Your Advocates to Start
Shaping Influence Worldiwde® on your behalf.

**Sign up  HERE for a sample trial with our own personal application ; witness the magic firsthand!